under the coconut tree

Thursday, August 02, 2007

KL's heading to HK for a project this coming week. Guess who's tagging along?? Me!!! The timing is just perfect - my contract job finishes tomorrow so I'm flying over to join him. As he's going to be working his ass off (excuse the language) - I intend to fully utilise the nice boutique hotel the company has booked him in and take the time to explore Hong Kong. We didn't do much of sight-seeing the last time round since we were there for only a night. So I hope to change that this time round.

A couple of weeks ago, I've met with an old buddy from school, Reena who was in London for work. I haven't seen her for ages ... so it was nice to catch up. A lovely dinner by the Thames with Tower Bridge nearby, followed by a tour of Canary Wharf and a brief visit to our home. We ended up chatting until 3am in the morning until we sent her home. Boy..were we tired! Can't even remember the last time we stayed up so late. I'm definitely getting too old for this!

1 comment:

changeiam said...

enjoy the hong kong trip. Take more pics yah and list out the spots that must go so next time if and when I go got guide ma :D